
Note: The demand for high quality education is extremely high across the state, which means waitlists everywhere are extensive. Thank you for your patience in this process.
Please fill out this form to join the waitlist. Please reach out to phoebe@turtleislandvt.org with any questions. *Please note we get a lot of waitlist inquiries and it may take some time for us to respond. Thank you.
We enroll children off the waitlist in the following order:
children of TICC staff
siblings of currently enrolled children
Children off the waitlist according to initial contact date and depending on our openings.
Should there be space available without waiting, we ask that you:
Tour our center
Attend one pre-enrollment conference (for parents/guardians) with the classroom teachers and a "play date" for your child to get to know the teachers, children and spaces
Complete all necessary paperwork
The enrollment papers and deposit are typically required five business days prior to the start of enrollment. All necessary forms and procedures can be obtained by contacting the Associate Director, Phoebe Stone, at 802-229-4047, ext. 235 or emailing phoebe@turtleislandvt.org. We look forward to hearing from you!
Note: If a family is interested in joining Turtle Island in the middle of a school year, in order to "hold the spot," they are asked to pay the full tuition rates for the months leading up to the child's arrival.​​